Glen’s Transitional Journey!
I retired from my Military career in 2018 during my time in the regular Army and joined Click Therapies 6-months after my exit date. Early on it was very obvious that my attempts to adjust to a healthier work-life balance in civvy street was a challenge. The team at Click Therapies has not only supported me but they have also supported my family through the transition to civilian life. Click Therapies has allowed me the flexibility to spend more time with my family as well as having a working routine that allows me to engage in other commitments with the reserve forces.

I have to say they have been an extremely helpful and supportive service since I first joined, and I cannot imagine working anywhere else. When I first retired, I transferred into the reserve forces and enrolled in a specialist Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) course with my retirement lump sum. Initially, I was employed as a clinician and the service was extremely flexible with my working hours and always took into account my university study periods and my reserve commitment days which included 2-weeks every year to attend the annual camp.
In addition to this, the clinical team at Click Therapies allocated clients for me that would meet the requirements of my CBT course, so I was actively employed in a manner that supported my clinical development. Upon completion of my course, I was allowed to further develop my working role to utilise my military experience in supporting not only veterans clinically but supporting the Armed Forces community by using my military and clinical knowledge to deliver supervision and guidance to non-clinicians supporting vulnerable veterans in the community

Working with Click Therapies has always been a positive experience for me in that you are fully supported as a clinician, a serving reservist, and a veteran whilst also allowing the autonomy and flexibility to work in a manner that benefits me as an individual. I have also had the opportunity to support newer clinicians and other veterans and their families through the same process which is not just supported but actively encouraged. At Click Therapies, we all have a say in the service delivery and are always supported in any innovations we may suggest such as continuing professional development delivery, specialist training, and suggestions for service improvement.