The Click Therapies Blog.

Read helpful information about mental health, treatments & more. We believe in giving back. One way we do this is through helping people with advice, information and valuable guides to improving your mental health.

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Exercise & Stress

Exercise & Stress

Exercise may not be the most exciting word in your vocabulary, but it does have a lot of benefits. Participating in daily exercise not only makes us healthier in general, but it can diminish the effects of stress on your body as well.  How many times have you heard...

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Online Video Therapy For Work-Related Stress

Online Video Therapy For Work-Related Stress

As a provider of Online Psychological Therapies for stress-related conditions such as anxiety, Click Therapies has noticed that in the workplace employees are being bombarded with ever-increasing amounts of stress. If this is not managed properly and treated using...

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Uncertain Times

Uncertain Times

We are now living in uncertain times. Countries are in lock down and people are suffering the loss of loved ones. At times like this some lose hope, they feel there is no way forward. You are not alone despite feeling alone, there is hope despite the seeming lack of...

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